Advertising Photography (Campaign)
Advertising photography is primarily used to generate content for brand PR. It is also used to deliver high quality images for publication in magazines and websites and other visual media. By placing high quality visual material on public pages you can inform consumers about the price points, brand concepts and trends that are used in the collection.

Campaign, Lookbook and Catalogue
A campaign is a presentation of the brand’s DNA. Campaign photos are usually smaller in scale numbering around 5 to 6 pictures that can be used to create any and all still image promotional items.
A lookbook is a more detailed story about a collection, which can extend to as many as 30 photos (without delivering a more detailed story about any given item, as catalogues are more effective for this). The focus is on selecting the stand out looks of the collection using professional styling to ensure the maximum impact on increasing sales. At the lookbook stage, the consumer can get a feel for the entire image and then shop all items from the online store. Both lookbooks and campaigns can be used for the majority of brand advertising material that is required.
A campaign is the most creative element of any advertising effort, so it is worth taking the time to create and compose a comprehensive mood board. Before starting any campaign work, I deliver several campaign options to determine preferences and what will best suit the brand. Together with the stylist and designer, the final shooting scenario is prepared, after which a cost estimate is calculated and the team is assembled for shooting.
Campaign What do we offer
Development of the shooting concepts and creating a mood board; Team selection, including online casting of models; Search, booking and coordination of locations for shooting; Collection, booking and transportation of any additional equipment required; Stylist assistants, lighting assistants with all the associated equipment; Video content creation; Postproduction (photo retouching).

С чего начинается организация съемки для кампейна?
Кампейн — самая творческая часть рекламы, поэтому для создания и составления мудборда отводится много времени. Перед началом работы я предлагаю несколько вариантов кампейна для рассуждения, что нравиться и что больше подходит бренду. Совместно со стилистом и дизайнером готовиться окончательный сценарий съемки, после рассчитывается смета и собирается команда для съемки.

If you are considering selecting a fashion photographer for shooting a campaign or lookbook, download my presentation with examples of my work and estimated costs. This will make it easier for you to remember me if my experience and vision fits your brand.
